2020 has really shown how reliant we all are on the Internet for everything that we do and that reliance will only increase in the years to come, no matter what a return to 'normal' will look like. As we can all see from the recent RIPE Lab articles that Governments/Regulators/Competent Authorities are drafting a whole new set of proposal's whilst tweaking existing ones, then of course there is the ongoing discussion about a new IP address protocol.
So 2021 is more important than ever that the technical community has a voice. I would like to see the Cooperation WG and the RIPE community help to inform those discussions, of course working closely with the excellent work that the RIPE NCC are already doing in this space. During 2021 and for years to come, I would like to see the cooperation WG and RIPE community have far more interaction and meaningful discussions, not only between ourselves but with external stakeholders. I would work hard to make sure that these interactions were on a regular basis and not left just to the RIPE meetings, which would allow the RIPE community to have a more timely input. Also, allowing those of the community that may not normally have access to decision makers the opportunity to do so, no matter what part of the RIPE region they are from. I would also like to see more dialogue between the other RIR's (but that's another discussion for later on)
With regards the question posed by Alex - I don't believe there is a conflict of interest with my employer and this position - Firstly, policies are not normally discussed in this group and secondly, having been involved in the RIPE community for many years I know that the robust policies and procedures that are in place will highlight if the community think there is - I trust the community.