Dear colleagues

Further to Chris’s email, the deadline period for Nominations has been extended to June 15th, 23:59 UTC.

The NomCom pages are available below:


Please feel encouraged to share the links with your networks and friends, and consider nominating yourself or someone you know who would make an excellent Technical Community candidate.

I chair the ITCG NomCom, and please feel free to direct any questions to Chris or myself. 

Coop WG Co-Chair

On 22 May 2023, at 16:41, Chris Buckridge <> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

With a very active and interesting couple of years ahead for the Internet Governance Forum (and Internet governance more generally), the Internet Technical Collaboration Group (ITCG) is opening a call for volunteers to represent the Internet technical community on the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).

The MAG serves primarily as a Programme Committee for the annual IGF event, while also advising on the strategy and direction of the IGF, and working closely with the Secretariat. Since the early 2000s, the IGF has embodied the UN’s commitment to a multistakeholder approach to Internet governance, ensuring that stakeholders (like the Internet technical community) have a seat at the table and a voice in global governance processes. With some important discussions upcoming (including a 20-year review of the UN World Summit of the Information Society, which gives the IGF its mandate), maintaining a strong commitment to that approach is very important!  

Details of the open call are available on the ITCG website:

The nomination form is here:

I am a current member of the MAG, so please feel free to reach out to me with any questions (or grab me in the corridor during this week’s RIPE Meeting in Rotterdam), particularly about time and work expectations.

Best regards,


Chris Buckridge
Advisor to the Managing Director, Global Strategic Engagement


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