Hi allI'm pleased to see that we have several good candidates! Appreciated!
Of course we now need a good and transparent process on how to proceed and I agree with Gordon that this should not wait until Warsaw meeting. We have a bunch of stuff to deal with in near future.
I have seen some feedback on mailing list. Very good! I'll very soon come back with some suggestions how to move fwd and some questions where I need your feedback!
If I understand well we now have four (possible) candidates for co-chair:
Alain van Gaever
Erika Hersaeus
Meredith Whittaker
Niall O'Reilly
This is great! Four good people - yet with quite different backgrounds and skills. It really shows the interest if the WG. And there is a lot of important work to be done.
Just waiting for Warsaw does not seem that sensible though. Not on a people level and not on a work level. Among other things we in the EU will be beginning the transition to a new Parliament and a new Commission around then.
So what should be the plan?