Hi all, To be very clear --* this is not an election*. While it's great to see the open and vocal support and we will certainly weigh this in decision-making, I want to make that clear. Discussion and providing rationale for your support for a given candidate (or otherwise) would be appreciated. To clarify as well -- we are also looking for more than one additional co-chair. Three is the number that seems healthy and productive to me, but I'm open to suggestions from the community. Thanks, Meredith On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Schaa, Tahar <tahar.schaa@cassini.de> wrote:
+1 Achilleas Kemos
*Von:* cooperation-wg [mailto:cooperation-wg-bounces@ripe.net] *Im Auftrag von *Meredith Whittaker *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016 11:48 *An:* Gordon Lennox <gordon.lennox.13@gmail.com>; Collin Anderson < collina@gmail.com>; Achilleas.KEMOS@ec.europa.eu; Analia Aspis < analia.aspis@gmail.com>; Johan Helsingius <julf@julf.com> *Cc:* cooperation-wg@ripe.net *Betreff:* Re: [cooperation-wg] Chairs of this wg
Hello again, dear friends,
First, thank you so much for the lively discussion during today's Coop-WG. I genuinely appreciate your enthusiasm and care for this important process.
I have CCed all of the current candidates for co-chair here (I realize they are all also on the list, but as I hope many of you appreciate, I'm a fan of redundancy). To refresh your memory, these are:
- *Achilleas Kemos* -- from the European Commission's DGConnect. He was present today and gave an overview of his work and his interest during the working group. - *Collin Anderson* -- Network Researcher and Internet Policy enthusist. He was also present today, and provided an overview. - *Analina Aspis* -- Lawyer and Researcher at the Law Research Institute Ambrosio Gioja, specializing in ICT law. She was not present today, but you can read her overview posted in a previous Coop-WG thread - *Johan Helsingius* -- (tentative nominee, as above). I'm not sure of his background or interest, but I invite him to disclose this in an email here.
I invite those on this list to suggest other nominees, to ask questions and make comments to the current nominees, and to continue the lively discussion.
As I mentioned, *I will be receptive to suggestions and will work to distill the decisions of the community in a week's time*, disclosing such in an email to this list. If there are those here who feel strongly that we should extend the process beyond a week, please speak up here. I am sensitive to the need for discussion, and don't want to rush anything. That said, before the next meeting I need a co-chair. This is the responsible move on my part, to ensure I'm not a single point of failure in the case that I change jobs, have the flu during a meeting, etc..
On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 5:49 PM, Gordon Lennox <gordon.lennox.13@gmail.com> wrote:
The outreach bit has proved problematic in the past. I remember a group trying to talk to a MEP. The relationships that are not obvious to outsiders are not always obvious to insiders either!
On the other hand I appreciated the work of NCC in drafting a formal response, effectively on behalf of the WG, to a Commission proposal.
We need to talk more about this.The potential is there.
On 25 May 2016 at 17:05, Nick Hilliard <nick@inex.ie> wrote:
there may be room for both here. The co-op WG has a mandate for outeach outside the existing community, but the chair function needs to understand what ripe/ripe ncc is and how it serves its community. This is not always obvious to outsiders (e.g. "ripe ncc is not the police", etc).
Meredith Whittaker Open Research Lead Google NYC
-- Meredith Whittaker Open Research Lead Google NYC