On the same topic, but another list and another thread, Frode (in copy), a representative of the Norwegian regulator NPT in the net neutrality expert working group of BEREC and also appointed as a chair of this group, added some useful information: << ... the consulted report is not discussing the core aspects of net neutrality, but is a study of Quality of Service monitoring. However, this QoS monitoring is discussed "in the context of net neutrality", including measurement methods for assessment of so-called "degradation of service" (ref. USD 22(3)). The consultation is closed now after 6 weeks seeking comments from stakeholders, a period already extended considerably due to Easter etc. BEREC's views regarding core aspects of net neutrality was developed during 2010-2012, and summarized in the high-level report "Summary of BEREC positions on net neutrality". The probably most interesting topical net neutrality report from that period is the "Guidelines for quality of service in the scope of net neutrality", containing among else definition and explanation of the "specialised service" concept, referred to by many stakeholders during the ongoing political net neutrality discussion in Europe. This year's QoS monitoring report can also be seen as aka follow-up to the 2012 QoS guidelines. The 2012 reports are available here: http://berec.europa.eu/files/document_register_store/2012/12/BoR_%2812%29_14... http://berec.europa.eu/eng/document_register/subject_matter/berec/download/0...
As one of the WG Co-chairs works for a regulator perhaps we could have a very brief update in Warsaw? Best, Gordon