
Dear Gordon and all,

Thank you very much for this invitation to introduce myself and my background. Even though I am still new in the RIPE environment, I have been involced in the ICT law  and IG policiy  for the past 10 and even more years, so here a brief introduction of my professional profile and the reason why I would like to co-chair this super community:

I am a 36 year old proactive and enthusiastic female lawyer and researcher at the Law Research Institute Ambrosio Gioja (Faculty of Law - University of Buenos Aires).I have been working for the past years in the IT law field, both in her doctoral research project in the field of Privacy, International Law and Internet Governance and well as Research Group Projects at the University of Buenos Aires in the field of Surveillance, IT Law and Human Rights evaluating and monitoring the current agenda and well as the international forums related to Internet Governance. Accordingly,  I  have  a  very  strong  knowledge  of  Internet  issues  being  one  of  the  few professionals in Argentina with an excellent academic records and background on the field. Not only I have obtained several support for the Argentinean, Swiss and Swedish governments to pursue her studies and doctoral research but as well I has return all that support and knowledge to my country. I holds one of the best grades in the University of Buenos Aires, as well as an MBA in Switzerland (University of  Lausanne) and research work  in Sweden (University of Stockholm – Center for Law and Informatics). I am as well a specialist in Internet Governance and International and Humanitarian Law and is one of the few professionals in Argentina you is deeply committed to built a strong network within the academia as well as with students to promote the human rights and the use of the technology. Lastly, I am author of different articles and chapters related to technology, politics and law.

In the training area, For the past 8 years I have given training and conferences as professor of IT Law and Politics at the University of Stockholm, the Catholic University of Peru, and the University of Buenos Aires and the University Politécnico Gran Colombiano. Moreover, I am in charge of the first study group on IG at the University of Buenos Aires. And I do give advice to similar groups within Latin-America. I do currently train lawyers, sociologists, political scientists in IG issues, diplomacy and Law. Of course I have my resume if necessary that will describe with more detail the program of such training. I have provided both training in Spanish and English and a few in French.

I the advocacy area, I have been involved in many advocacy activities. To mention a few I have been member (twice) of the Member of the Stakeholder Selection Committee to choose potential speakers from non-governmental organizations for the High-level Meeting on the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS +10). I am the co-coordinator of the Internet Governance Caucus and I am very involved in civil society concerns with regard Internet’s agenda. As part of the Freedom Online Coalition WG 1, I have been working closely with a multistakeholder group (including the government of United States of America, Canada and The Netherlands) focusing our effort in enhancing human rights protection  within online activities as well as an active participant of the Civil Society pre-conference and training on capacity building at The Hague.

I am the founder of the Argentinean Hub of Internet Governance, a group who seeks to promote discussion and information on IG issues form a Latin-American point of view and the Argentinean Legal Hackers chapter, a group that combines both technical and legal expertise to seek solutions for Internet’s current challenges. In this sense, I do strongly promote online training and international conferences remote participation by different channels I have created.
Finally, I am a member of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network and I was recently accepted as a member of the Advisory group of the Global Internet Policy Observatory and the correspondest for the Cyber Security Capacity Portal, at the Unviersity of Oxford.

I would like to be part of the RIPE community not only due to my interest in ICT issues but also because I do consider that this is the place where I have to be to deeply undertand the telecoms policies and its interactions. I consider I have always shown an early concern in alternatives solutions to nowadays problems between technology and law, being always my aim to join forces and to collaborate in both educational and social problems that this field involved. As a Latin American citizen I think I can offer a comprehensive point of view of  the issues, contribute to the understanding  of  the different backgrounds and situations. Moreover, I do consider the research   as a unique opportunity to enhance her research work across Latin America and to start an active network not only in the region but collaborate worldwide. Living in Europe for more than 5 years has provide me a unique experience to understand both cultural, political and social aspects of its society as well as the differences and coincidences of the use and coordination of IT resources.

Finally, for a personal point of view I consider myself  as a very responsible, enthusiastic, proactive and team-worker person, always being very positive and compromise with each task and challenge in my life :), so it is a challenge to participate in RIPE from diffirent traditional profile but bringing energy and new ideas to the community.

Analía Aspis

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 6:23 PM, Gordon Lennox <gordon.lennox.13@gmail.com> wrote:
It would appear that we already have three candidates for the position of co-chair. Or maybe positions? I hope that we have a few more. This is good.

I am particularly pleased that it would appear that Achilleas will be present in Copenhagen. It has proved difficult in the past to get people from the Commission to participate in the WG, on the list and at RIPE meetings. There are constraints on what Commission officials can say. But more active participation, more open participation would be very good. Maybe he could already volunteer to talk about some of the new Commission initiatives. The Commission is expected to announce seven proposals and communications on May 25.

Having said that Meredith talked about “qualified” candidates. I am not sure what that means. I am not even sure we need a formal definition. But I know that Meredith came to RIPE meetings before she became co-chair. Collin has also participated in previous meetings.

So as much as I would like people like Achilleas to actively contribute I think it important that the co-chairs come from the community, from those who already understand RIPE, from among those who come regularly to RIPE meetings.

May I invite candidates for the position of co-chair - I am thinking of Analia and Achilleas at this stage - to indicate to what extent they have participated until now. Planned participation in Copenhagen is already a bonus!
