Hi, ISOC has, based on the number of proposals for WCIT calling for special provisions in the ITRs written a document that I think would be interesting for the participants of the cooperation wg. Sally of ISOC writes:
Dear colleagues,
In recent months, a number of proposals have come forward in the WCIT process that call for provisions to be included in the ITRs to create a new model of Internet interconnection that would establish an end-to-end quality of service delivery mechanism with pre-defined end-to-end performance objectives, and; to establish a system of settlements between network operators based on sending-party-network-pays.
ISOC has great concerns with these are proposals and we thought that an analysis might be useful for the community and for policy makers. This analysis is attached. There have been many comments on the various mailing lists about these issues and those comments have been quite useful in helping to shape this paper - so, thank you! We fully expect this analysis to evolve in the run-up to the WCIT as the proposals to the Conference also evolve.
In the meantime, we hope that you find this to be useful. We are working to translate the document now.
Best Regards, Sally
Patrik Fältström co-chair cooperation wg