Dear all, as I mentioned during my presentation at RIPE 63, one of the main tools to know what the European Commission is planning to do / is doing is the so-called Commission Work Programme or CWP. You might be interested to know that on 15 November, the European Commission published its CWP for 2012. You can find all the documents at http://ec.europa.eu/atwork/programmes/index_en.htm. What you may probably be more interested in is the so-called Annex I, which lists with some more detail the specific "key initiatives" of the CWP (see http://ec.europa.eu/atwork/programmes/docs/cwp2012_annex_en.pdf). The Annex is divided by "policy themes". RIPE members may possibly be interested in the actions under the "Digital Agenda" theme (21-25), as well as action 60 (Fighting European Cybercrime), 87 (On-line gambling in the Internal Market), 91 (Initiative on notice and takedown procedures). Or also other initiatives, depending on your tastes. :) Two further points: - Annex I to the CWP includes what you may think of as "major" initiatives, but is not per se a full and exhaustive list of everything the Commission is planning to do. - Further details on (most of) the initiatives in Annex I of the CWP, as well as on other initiatives which are not in Annex I of the CWP but the Commission is nonetheless working on, are available via so-called "roadmaps" at http://ec.europa.eu/governance/impact/planned_ia/roadmaps_2012_en.htm. The list of "roadmaps" (and also, as a matter of fact, the CWP) is updated on a rolling basis. I hope this is, if not useful, at least mildly interesting. Please let me know if I can provide further information, noting however that (a) the management of the CWP is not under the responsibility of DG Information Society and Media, but of the General Secretariat of the Commission; and that (b) I may not be personally involved in all the initiatives I mentioned above, and certainly not in all the initiatives in Annex I. Nonetheless, I'll be happy to help with providing the relevant contacts, should the need arise. Best, -- Andrea Glorioso (Mr) European Commission - DG Information Society and Media Unit A3 (Internet; Network and Information Security) Avenue de Beaulieu 33 (2/84) / B-1049 / Brussels / Belgium T: +32-2-29-97682 M: +32-460-797-682 E: Andrea.Glorioso@ec.europa.eu Twitter: @andreaglorioso Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.glorioso LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=1749288&trk=tab_pro The views expressed above are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission. Les opinions exprimées ci-dessus n'engagent que leur auteur et ne sauraient en aucun cas être assimilées à une position officielle de la Commission européenne. Be transparent - Sign up to the European Commission's Register of Interest Representatives http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regrin