On 3 Feb 2022, at 11:10, Desiree Miloshevic <miloshevic@gmail.com> wrote:

Any solution for DNS resolvers should adhere to the Multistakeholder governance principles and respect the principles of distributed and modular nature of the DNS.

(Saying that mandated use of centralised DNS resolvers is not a good principle and should not be only based on legislation). It is questionable if the proposed solution would solve the problem described

If I can make a suggestion:

"Governance of the DNS resolution chain, which form such an important element of everybody's Internet connectivity, should involve all stakeholders and can not solely rely on legislation and regulatory oversight."?

Which you can follow with:

 "RIPE Community hopes that any winning bidder will adhere to what we see as a fundamental property of the Internet, with a diverse and competitive landscape, anchored on the principles of multistakeholder Internet governance."

Which without saying it also emphasises points made earlier in connection to other EU proposals, including NIS 2 and at a later point can be easily re-used in arguing for RIPE or the RIR model?

My 2 cents,
