In message <>, at 07:37:27 on Tue, 23 Sep 2014, Andrew Dul <> writes
If we don't really want the organizational record in the IANA registry any more for the /8s,
Which might be a good idea.
then we should instruct IANA to update the records in a way the community desires.
Who are "we", and which community?
You and me, and the other interested parties in the internet community. We set internet number policy for the resources.
I see. So not whoever gets to be the new oversight body. Of course if "we" are the people running the oversight body (or perhaps it's supposed to be more *multi*stakeholder than that) then we could exert an influence via that route.
How do you make IANA comply? And if they don't, what sort of oversight mechanism needs to be in place to escalate it to.
We can ask IANA on the status of managing these records and if there is anything they are currently working on to make these records more up to date.
If the current policy does not allow them to update the records as we would like,
The current policy might allow them, but for some reason they decline to update.
we could put together a global policy which would instruct IANA how to manage the records.
You are suggesting a replacement policy would place a duty on them, rather than simply allowing them to? -- Roland Perry