On 6 May 2013, at 09:32, <Andrea.GLORIOSO@ec.europa.eu> wrote:
Why is Internet governance something that the "ITU is supposed to leave alone"? And when / where was it decided so?
The WSIS meeting in Tunis. Various ITU meetings and workshops. I'm fairly sure the last plenipot resolved to stop ITU mission creep on Internet governance too. IIUC, most Western governments have the view that Internet governance is best served by an open, multistakeholder institution. [ie Not the ITU.] So whenever the ITU tries to push for a more active role in this area, there's no consensus for it. Witness the recent discussion paper on how ITU-T could become an RIR or the proposals that were put forward at WCIT in Dubai last year. The latter provokes US Congress to unanimously pass a resolution that now appears to be a bill: http://democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Text.... ITU is of course free to discuss Internet governance. Just as RIPE could discuss telephone numbering and tariffs. There doesn't seem to be much point to either of these things IMO.