Dear cooperation WG members

In line with our regular process, we refresh the co-chair
selections every three years, as terms come to an end.

Achilleas and Julf are both willing to continue as co-chairs,
but they are also happy to step down, if the group feels
that it is time for more new blood and there are interested
volunteers. We therefore invite both possible expressions of
support for current co-chairs continuing as well as any
interested volunteers to express their interest in serving
as co-chairs for the cooperation working group.

The Cooperation WG chair selection process, see <>, 
states that interested parties have two weeks to make their
interest known via the mailing list or directly to the Chair/s.
Based on that, we suggest a deadline for expressions of
interest by October 10th, and then discussion on the mailing
list until October 23rd. This will hopefully make it possible
to announce the results by the RIPE89 WG session on
Thursday, 31st October.

Your Cooperation WG Co-Chairs Julf, Achilleas and Desiree