Dear colleagues, This is FYI for anyone with an interest in contributing to the UN’s work on “enhanced cooperation”. Cheers Chris
Begin forwarded message:
From: Carl Gahnberg <> Subject: [Internetcollaboration] Call for Nominations for Internet Technical & Academic Community Representatives in the CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation Date: 22 Feb 2016 17:39:10 CET To: Elist internetcollaboration <>
Dear all,
Please find below the Call for Nominations to the CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation.
Best regards,
Carl Gahnberg Policy Advisor Internet Society
Call for Nominations for Internet Technical & Academic Community Representatives in the United Nations CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation
(Deadline: 29th February 23.59 UTC)
The outcome document of the United Nations General Assembly’s ten-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2015 included a direction for the Chair of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) to "establish a working group to develop recommendations on how to further implement enhanced cooperation as envisioned in the Tunis Agenda” (Resolution A/RES/70/125 <>, Section 4.1, paragraph 65). This will continue work done by an earlier CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation, that was active from 2013-2014. and current CSTD Chair, Peter Major of Hungary, has indicated <> that he will establish the new working group in a similar fashion, with 20 UN Member States and 5 representatives from each of the four identified stakeholder groups (business, civil society, intergovernmental organizations, the technical & academic community).
The technical & academic community representatives in the 2013-2014 working group were:
Andres Piazza (LACNIC, Argentina) Baher Esmat (ICANN, Egypt) Alex Corenthin (, Senegal) Chris Disspain (auDA, Australia) Constance Bommelaer (ISOC, France)
The CSTD Chair has identified the Internet Technical Collaboration Group <> as a focal point for nominating stakeholder representatives from the technical & academic community. A Nominating Committee (NOMCOM) made up of senior members of the Internet technical community has been formed to decide upon these nominations. The NOMCOM members are:
Scott Mansfield (USA) - Chair Adiel Akplogan (Canada) Jane Coffin (USA) John Klensin (USA) Nurani Nimpuno (Sweden) Chris Buckridge (Netherlands) Akinori Maemura (Japan)
Individuals with active involvement with the Internet technical community and the closely-related academic computer network research community who would like to be put forward by the NOMCOM are invited to complete the Nomination Form, which includes a set of questions regarding experience and suitability for the role. You may also use the Nomination Form to nominate another person for consideration by the NOMCOM - in such a case, the Nominator should advise their Nominee to complete and submit their answers to the questions in Part 2 of the Nomination Form.
The Nomination Form is available here <>
Both parts of the form should be completed and returned to <> by 23.59 UTC on Monday, 29 February 2016. This deadline will be strictly adhered to, and only respondents who have fully completed both parts of the form will be considered by the NOMCOM.
While responses to the questions should not be lengthy, they must include sufficient information to allow the NOMCOM to judge the nominee's suitability for the role. If the nominee believes that an existing CV or biographical sketch would contribute to the NOMCOM's understanding of the candidacy, such a document may be included as part of the submission (any additional documents should be attached to the email in PDF format).
Nominees should be aware that specific nominations may or may not be accepted by the CSTD.
Nominees should also be aware that funding for participating in the working group’s meetings (which will take place in Geneva) will be the nominees’ own responsibility. It is expected that the working group’s first meeting will take place in Q4 2016, with further meetings to be scheduled by the working group itself.
While there is no expectation that technical & academic community representatives from the 2013-2014 working group would automatically continue in the role, the NOMCOM would welcome applications from those who have previously served on CSTD committees, as well as new nominations.
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Privacy Statement The nominating committee is required to forward information provided by nominees on the Nomination Form to the CSTD Chair and CSTD administrative personnel for purposes of the nomination. With the exception of nominees naming themselves, information provided to the NOMCOM for its consideration shall be treated in the strictest confidence. _______________________________________________ Internetcollaboration mailing list