Dear members and colleagues

The Global Digital Compact (GDC) was agreed upon as Annex I of The Pact for the Future document, yesterday afternoon (CET time) at the UN General Assembly.

The full document can be accessed here:

The following GDC paragraphs (26-29) that relate to the nature of Internet governance, were agreed by Member States after several document revisions:

Internet Governance 

26. We recognize that the Internet is a critical global facility for inclusive and equitable digital transformation. To  fully benefit all, it must be open, global, interoperable, stable and secure. 
27. We recognize that Internet governance must continue to be global and multistakeholder in nature, with the  full involvement of governments, the private sector, civil society, international organizations, technical and  academic communities, and all other relevant stakeholders in accordance with their respective roles and  responsibilities. We reaffirm that Internet governance should continue to follow the provisions set forth in the  outcomes of the summits held in Geneva and Tunis, including in relation to enhanced cooperation. 
28. We acknowledge the importance of the Internet Governance Forum as the primary multistakeholder platform  for discussion of Internet governance issues.  
29. We commit to: 
(a) Promote an open, global, interoperable and reliable Internet and take concrete steps to maintain a safe, secure  and enabling online environment for all (SDG 9); 
(b) Support the Internet Governance Forum, including through continued efforts to increase diverse participation  from governments and other stakeholders from developing countries and the provision of voluntary funding also  to this end (SDG 9 &10);  
(c) Promote international cooperation among all stakeholders to prevent, identify and address risks of  fragmentation of the Internet in a timely manner (SDG 16); 
(d) Refrain from Internet shutdowns and measures that target Internet access (SDG 16).

You can still follow the UN GA debagte live sessions today via the

We also hope to have a discussion on this topic and WSIS +20 at our next meeting in Prague on October 31st.

Desiree, Julf and Achilleas
Coop WG Co-chairs