Then I suggest you - and Patrik? and others? - read what they say about such services. At one point they write: “In particular, many citizens complain about difficulties in switching email providers”. This is in the context of transferring "personal and non-personal data”. No, I don’t know what this is meant to imply. Somebody has a Yahoo account and wants to switch to Gmail? And take their (IMAP) archives with them and their e-mail address? I have heard Commission officials in the past talk about making e-mail addresses portable like telephone numbers. More importantly it is not always for the Commission to interpret any regulations: others do that. You cannot got back to the Commission - or Council or Parliament! - and ask what they really meant. So effort now to help get it right can pay off. Happy reading! Gordon
On 02 May 2016, at 15:52, Julius ter Pelkwijk <> wrote:
I do run e-mail services for third parties...