Please find below, agenda and webex information for CRISP Team meeting to be held on Friday April 23rd at 13:00 UTC
1. Agenda Review
2. Update on the CRISP Team Composition
a. Welcome new member: Janvier Ngnoulayea
3. Action Items
a. Minutes from the last call
b. Share future steps with the community
c. Confirm about IPR and the IETF Trust with the IETF
d. Arrange a call with CWG-Stewardship Chairs
e. Doodle poll on future call schedule (have some regularity)
4. Confirm community feedback
a. ARIN35
b. Other RIR regions
c. Global list
5. Update on GAO interview
6. Update on the call with NRO EC
a. Overview: What was confirmed, follow up items
b. The role (if any) of the CRISP Team in community consultation
c. The role (if any) of the CRISP Team in NRO website of discussions at RIR meetings
7. Preparation for ICANN Board panel
a. Jurisdiction
b. Country of the IANA function operator
c. Implications for delay in submission of the proposal
d. Ability for RIR community to chose the IANA operator
e. IPR
f. Gap between traditional negitiations and open community process
8. Next Meeting
9. AOB
CRISP Team 18th Meeting | Thursday, April 23, 2015 | 1:00 pm | UTC | 1 hr |
Meeting number: | 704 615 073 | Meeting password: | crisp |