Hello, Il 20/12/2013 05:18, Chris Buckridge ha scritto:
While the Roundtable Meetings are invitation-only, the RIPE NCC is very happy to hear input or suggestions from the community (particularly this working group) on issues that might usefully be included on the agenda (we are currently developing the agenda for our next Roundtable Meeting in February, and have noted the discussion that has taken place here regarding IP interconnection).
because of recent domestic events (I'm writing from Italy) I focused my attention on web blocking and filtering issues. I also noticed that this topic has already been addressed by this wg and I'm working on a blog post / document to deepen the suggestions emerged on the "DNS-based filtering" thread: - explaining how DNS and IP work in a manner as clear as possible to non-tech people; - explaining advantages and disadvantages of various blocking measures; - focusing on cross-border / human rights issues. I'm quite new on this wg and I don't know if Roundtable Meetings are the right place where to discuss similar topics, but if I really manage to complete this draft and if you feel it will be suitable I believe it would be worth of consideration to be added to the agenda. My two cents :) -- Pier Carlo Chiodi http://about.me/piercarlo.chiodi The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of any organization, entity or committee to which I may hold a position.