All, I hear rumors SG20 is moving forward with ideas on prescribing DONA etc as The Directory and Naming System to use, and that it is a replacement for DNS. And that there is an upcoming SG20 meeting. I personally find it being very important ITU-T in this case do not "select" specific naming mechanisms at all. There are numerous different systems that after being bootstrapped with the help of DNS and routing can act on its own. And it would be a disaster if ITU-T prescribe something at this time, unless the usage is very very specific and that harmonization really really is needed. If we should spend time on new naming and lookup mechanisms, I would go for some completely new architectures that do not have any kind of root (neither technical, nor administrative) and instead use things like opportunistic encryption and randomization to find identifiers which globally get to know each other via some ad hoc routing mechanism. paf