Dear Jim, Sorry, I saw this email after I reacted to your previous one.
-----Original Message----- From: Jim Reid [mailto:jim@rfc1035.com] Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 11:02 AM To: GLORIOSO Andrea (CNECT) Cc: paf@frobbit.se; cooperation-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [cooperation-wg] WTPF in Geneva
On 6 May 2013, at 09:48, Andrea.GLORIOSO@ec.europa.eu wrote:
But a statement such as "the ITU is supposed to leave Internet Governance alone" is perhaps a bit exaggerated.
Andrea, you're reading into what I said something I did not write. So from that perspective, yes, it is a bit exaggerated. I should have said ITU is supposed to keep away from an operational role in Internet governance: for instance by issuing IP addresses or making policy on domain names or defining requirements for key Internet infrastructure such as root and TLD name servers. To pick a few examples at random....
Thanks for the clarification. It is also the position of the European Commission that the operational aspects of Internet governance would not be well served by a top-down, purely inter-governmental system (see COM(2009) 277, which I mentioned in another email). (Let me however say that I do not believe I "read into what you said something you did not write". You made a clear statement that the ITU is supposed to "leave Internet governance alone". As Internet governance is a very broad notion that encompasses both operational and public policy aspects, this seemed to be rather exaggerated - independently of what my personal opinion on the role of ITU is, the fact remains that both the conclusions of the WSIS and of the Guadalajara Plenipotentiary conference, to mention just two well-known examples, give ITU a mandate to work on "Internet governance".)
It takes a lot longer to type all of that. So my original remark was somewhat offhand and terse. Just like me...
I appreciate that all statements - yours, mine, everyone else's - can be misinterpreted. This is why I asked for clarifications. Thanks for providing them! Ciao, Andrea