
to me, is not completely clear what Ziggo is proposing (the term “platform” is misleading when talking about Internet access). It could be a kind of specialized connectivity, apparently open to any kind of service provider. One should question why users and service providers would like to use it, as long as best effort is working. The only way to make this product to become interesting to the market, is to degrade best effort Internet.

About Netflix/Comcast: this is a paid direct peering agreement. The quality of the traffic is enhanced because the routing become more simple, however there is no specific traffic shaping or prioritization. I would say that this is is not a case of NN infringement, see also http://radiobruxelleslibera.wordpress.com/2014/02/24/the-netflixcomcast-deal-nothing-to-do-with-net-neutrality-yet/


Innocenzo Genna
Genna Cabinet Sprl 
1050 Bruxelles - Belgium

Skype:  innonews
Twitter: @InnoGenna
Email:  inno@innogenna.it

my blog:http://radiobruxelleslibera.wordpress.com/
my music: www.innocenzogenna.com 

Il giorno 20/mar/2014, alle ore 11:32, Bastiaan Goslings <bastiaan.goslings@ams-ix.net> ha scritto:

On 19 Mar 2014, at 17:03, Wouter van Hulten <wouter@vanhulten.com> wrote:

If these rules go through, the Dutch net neutrality law in force since 1 januari 2013 is threatened

For what it's worth, some are already anticipating. René Obermann, CEO of the largest cable operator in NL Ziggo, announced in an interview on the 8th of March:

'We want to build an internet platform that provides access to external parties: the right speed, with minimal delay. Think video services like Netflix, but also to emergency centers, medical care or remote communication between devices. These include services that are not "elastic" are [in contrast to loading a webpage, red] and a guaranteed network quality demand.'


'This should be an open platform, accessible to small and big players. Definitely not a walled garden which Ziggo determines what to do. Our video application will be one of the TV services, in addition to those of others.

The article goes on to say that:

'Obermann looks with interest to a recent agreement between Netflix and the major U.S. cable operator, Comcast. Although the details are unknown, it is clear that Netflix will pay extra for guaranteed good transmission. The network provider is no longer a neutral intermediary, critics say. But this could be a source of revenue for cable operators as consumers en masse exchange their television subscription for Internet services.

(Google translate, from Dutch newspaper NRC http://www.nrc.nl/handelsblad/van/2014/maart/08/te-snel-voor-een-logge-tanker-1352508 . Behind a login btw, I can share the text.)

I recently had a call with the EC who are doing preliminary research on the announced take over of Ziggo by Liberty Global (owner of the second largest Dutch cable network). Currently both Ziggo and Liberty Global/UPC already have regional monopolies, and together they own 90% of the Dutch cable market.  


It seems likely though that when the merge happens, the cable-networks will have to be opened up for other service providers. In the meantime I hope the Dutch can defend their net neutrality principles in the Council negotiations as well as afterwards (codecision)
