[ I sent an almost identical message to the IAB InternetGovTech mailing list, so apologies for duplications ]
Dear all,
a few words to introduce myself: I'm Andrea Glorioso (Mr - I'm Italian). I work at the European Commission, in the Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology (sorry for the mouthful - we call it DG CONNECT).
I have been one of the persons working on the Communication on Internet Policy and Governance which our former colleague, Gordon Lennox, has kindly shared on this and other lists (they were on my list but Gordon spared me some typing :).
I just wanted to say that I'm delighted - honestly - that the Communication seems to have already sparked some discussions on this and other lists.
We are very much in listening mode and to the extent possible I'll be glad to react to your points, questions, comments and criticisms. There might be cases in which I will want to double check the position of the European Commission on any particular
matter, and this might produce some delay in the exchanges; but I'll do my best to be as quick, open and transparent as possible.
Andrea Glorioso (Mr)
European Commission - DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology
Unit D1 (International relations) + Task Force on Internet Policy Development
Avenue de Beaulieu 25 (4/64) / B-1049 / Brussels / Belgium
T: +32-2-29-97682 M: +32-460-797-682 E: Andrea.Glorioso@ec.europa.eu
Twitter: @andreaglorioso
The views expressed above are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
Les opinions exprimées ci-dessus n'engagent que leur auteur et ne sauraient en aucun cas être assimilées à une position officielle de la Commission européenne.
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