Dear colleague,

In this email you find a link to a survey on Internet of Things security and policy. The survey is a part of research currently undertaken within the UN-IGF’s Dynamic Coalition Internet Standards, Security and Safety’s Working Group Security by design – Internet of Things. For clarity, a short introduction. 

The Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety (DC-ISSS) brings together key stakeholders from the technical community, civil society, government policymakers, regulators, and corporate and individual adopters, with the shared goal of making online activity and interaction more secure and safer by achieving more widespread and rapid deployment of existing Internet standards and ICT best practices. (You can find more information on the DC-ISSS, the three working groups and their respective mission statements on the IGF website. You can also join the DC-ISSS here. Security by design is a prominent topic in the DC-ISSS’ workplan. 

The survey’s outcomes will assist it to define results that will be presented on at the IGF in Katowice, this December and will become an integral part of the policy recommendations, guidelines, toolkits and action/capacity building programmes the DC-ISSS foresees for 2022 and beyond. 

Please fill it in at your earliest convenience but no later than Friday 22 October at 12.00 UTC. Estimated time, ca. 10 minutes. 

Survey link: 

Best regards, 

Wout de Natris 

Coordinator DC-ISSS 

DC-ISSS: Making the Internet more secure and safer