Dear all 

Please note the change in the agenda item 5.

Suzanne Taylor will be presenting the NIS2 update topic instead o earlier announced, Marco Hogewoning.

Tuesday Nov 23rd 16:00 - 17:00 CET  (UTC +1)

1. Welcome note WG Co-Chairs,
Johan Helsingius, Achilleas Kemos, Desiree Miloshevic

2. Agenda bashing

3. Cooperation Working Group Co-Chair Selection

4. Declaration of Principles - RIPE NCC submission to the EU - Chris Buckridge

5. NIS2 Update - RIPE NCC - Suzanne Taylor

6. IGF 2021 - Address and Q&A session with Anriette Estherhuysen
Chair of the UN Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group


We very much hope to see everyone join our session and the discussion next Tuesday,

Desiree, Julf and Achilleas

Cooperation WG co-chairs