Please look at full press release for some more details. Snippets follow:

Commission proposes new e-commerce rules to help consumers and companies reap full benefit of Single Market - Brussels, 25 May 2016

The European Commission today tabled a package of measures to allow consumers and companies to buy and sell products and services online more easily and confidently across the EU.

Today’s e-commerce package is composed of:

• A legislative proposal to address unjustified geoblocking and other forms of discrimination on the grounds of nationality, residence or establishment;

• A legislative proposal on cross-border parcel delivery services to increase the transparency of prices and improve regulatory oversight;  

• A legislative proposal to strengthen enforcement of consumers' rights and guidance to clarify, among others, what qualifies as an unfair commercial practice in the digital world.

The proposed revision of the Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation will give more powers to national authorities to better enforce consumer rights. They will be able to:

• check if websites geo-block consumers or offer after-sales conditions not respecting EU rules (e.g. withdrawal rights);

• order the immediate take-down of websites hosting scams;

• request information from domain registrars and banks to detect the identity of the responsible trader.