Folks interested in this document and consultation might be interested to learn that Volker Sypli of the German regulator made a presentation to the tsvarea WG meeting here in Berlin yesterday. You can catch up with that via the Meetecho archive (starts 00:35:40): Mat
On 18 Jul 2016, at 16:55, Gordon Lennox <> wrote:
I understand that there were almost half a million submissions - to be confirmed.
It is though worth noting that a number of big players are unhappy.
<< Some of the world's largest telecoms companies have signed a 5G manifesto, aimed at driving forward the deployment of next-generation mobile networks.
The manifesto pledges to launch fast 5G mobile networks in every country within the European Union by 2020.
However, it also says current net neutrality regulations could hamper innovation and cause "significant uncertainties".
The signatories include BT, Nokia, Orange, Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom. >>