Marco, thanks for this summary of recent events. There are many things you could have said here but wisely chose not to. However you’ve done yourself and your colleagues a great dis-service. The NCC team has done a lot of excellent work, both behind the scenes and at the ITU meeings, to bring about those recent results. Few members of the RIPE community fully appreciate those efforts and all that hard work. I hope my sincere thanks can go some way to address (ouch!) that. I’m very grateful for what’s been done and how well you’ve represented the RIPE community’s perspective at ITU-T and elsewhere. This has had a major impact on the SG11 and SG13 outcomes last month. Many, many thanks for that. As you say, the situation at ITU-T will continue to need close attention and engagement in the run-up to WTSA next year (and possibly beyond that). Discussions there about a new network protocol suite/architecture should now stop for a while. However this isn’t guaranteed. On-going monitoring and engagement will be needed. An even bigger multinational/multistakeholder effort will be required for WTSA if that offers a platform for yet another push to develop a a new network protocol suite/architecture in an ITU-T setting. cheers