In message <D7FA8C88-57DB-4701-9A3D-22DDCB2CC161@netnod.se>, at 20:34:43 on Fri, 22 Nov 2013, Nurani Nimpuno <nurani@netnod.se> writes
Where is the "running code" when it come to (eg) denying IXPs the right to have provider-independent IPv6 addresses (as was the case for some considerable time).
Leo and Nick addressed this, and I agree with their assessment of the events at the time.
Which differs from the perception of those running IXPs. [Square bracket issues]
Maybe I've been unlucky in the meetings I've attended, but I've seen this happen several times, resulting in the discussions collapsing, not leaving me with much faith in that process.
Perhaps that's because you have observer-bias towards discussions in subgroups rather than the plenary. I've been to enough meetings where the plenary *must* craft a deliverable (which is I think where we started vis-vis the IGF) to know that by the end of the meeting all the square brackets *must* have been removed. Even if an arguably dysfunctional sub-group less familiar with the process couldn't manage it earlier in the process. -- Roland Perry