Dear colleagues,

The Dutch government recently held an open consultation asking members of the Internet community to give feedback on a report about online content regulation that was produced by the Advisory Council on International Affairs, which advises the government on foreign policy. 

The RIPE NCC submitted its views on the recommendations made in the report, which you can find on our website (along with all other contributions we’ve made to open consultations):

Our submission highlights the need to protect the public core of the Internet and urges the Dutch government to make a clear distinction between the Internet’s core infrastructure and functions, and the content and applications that run on top of that. We also state our support for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance and encourage the Dutch government to include technical communities in policy discussions.

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful holiday season!

Best regards,


Suzanne Taylor
External Relations