Dear members and colleagues
I confirm my interest to volunteer, and if selected, to serve as a third Cooperation Working Group Co-Chair.
A few lines about me:
I am Public Policy & Internationals Affairs Senior Adviser at Afilias, based out of Europe.
At Afilias I focus on activities that contribute to DNS and the Internet community.
I have over 25 years of international experience in non-profit and private sector.
My decade-plus of close and productive interactions with regulators and intergovernmental leaders, academics, and community activists
provides me with connections and experiences to deal with the often complex, cross-sectoral challenges of the Internet technical coordination and governance.
I served as Special Advisor to the UN Chair of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group 2006-2009.
I was elected to the boards of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (2004-2010) and the Internet Society. (2004-2010 and 2013-2019).
At the Internet Society, I also Co-chaired the Organisational Membership Council from 2010-2013.
Last, but not least, I count myself as a long-time member of the RIPE community.
I volunteered on the RIPE SEE Program Committee (2010-2017).
While I was at the Oxford Internet Institute, I worked on the two RIPE NCC membership surveys in 2013 and 2015.
Thanks for the opportunity to be considered. If you have any further questions, please let me know.
Desiree Miloshevic
Dear Group,
Following the call for third co-chair posted on 30 November, we are pleased to announce that we have two candidates that have expressed and confirmed their interest for the post of the third co-chair:
- Desiree Miloshevic
- Richard Leaning
We invite the Desiree and Richard to present themselves to the Group, launching thus the discussion in the WG mailing list.
Please note that as we will be in a holiday period, we will keep the discussion open until 5 January 2021 instead of the foreseen 2 week period.
We thank again Desiree and Richard and the other members that expressed interest for this post.
Julf & Achilleas