Dear Colleagues,
The RIPE Cooperation Working Group will meet for the first time at
RIPE 57 in Dubai, from 9:00 - 10:30, Thursday, 30 October 2008.
Below is a proposed draft agenda for the session. We are seeking
input from the community on any additional topics that you would like
to see covered, or volunteers who wish to give a presentation. You
can send any comments or suggestions to the mailing list or contact
the Co-Chairs at <>.
Draft agenda:
- Open comment/review of working group charter
- Addressing the Rise of Criminal Service Providers, Paul Hoare,
Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)
- Update on RIPE NCC Outreach Activities (including RIPE NCC
Government Roundtable meeting, ICANN GAC, IGF 2008 preparations)
- IPv6: What Should Governments Do?
- AOB/Q&A Session
For more information on the RIPE Cooperation Working Group, please see:
Martin Boyle
Maria Häll
Co-Chairs, RIPE Cooperation Working Group
Best regards / Med vänlig hälsning,
Maria Häll
Deputy Director/Kansliråd
Division for Information Technology Policy / Enheten för IT-politik
Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications / Näringsdepartementet
SE-103 33 Stockholm
Visitors address: Mäster Samuelsgatan 70
Direct phone: +46 8 405 21 49
Switchboard +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile: +46 70 535 41 38