In message <>, at 03:12:21 on Thu, 12 Dec 2013, Dmitry Burkov <> writes
just one remark - RIPE region is not equivalent of EU region at all.
And unfortunately we have issues with involvements from others countries of our region. I think it should be also special point on our agenda.
An just - for example - for them it is not one day roundtrip at all.
Yes, there are even parts of the EU which are not a comfortable round-trip to Amsterdam (even less so Brussels as it's a much smaller airport). By comfortable I would say within 90 minutes flying time and planes arriving and departing at the required times.
Sometimes it could require some obligations and someone can expect some concrete results from such trips.
It is just a fact - but I think that we seriously should discuss how we can outreach the whole region.
RIPE NCC has Regional Meetings which can include aspects of outreach to governments. I see there was also a Middle East Regional Roundtable in 2011. -- Roland Perry