
Please note the deadline for comments on the proposed Review Committee charter for the IANA numbering services, tonight UTC 23:59. 


Begin forwarded message:

From: Izumi Okutani <>
Date: 6 juli 2015 17:12:35 CEST
Subject: Re: [NRO-IANAXFER] Call for Comments for a Draft Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter

Dear Colleagues,

This is to share the draft comment to be submitted from the CRISP Team on Review Committee Charter.
We may still have minor changes, but basically, we don't observe any inconsistencies with the number community proposal.

I'd also like to once again remind everyone that the comment period set by NRO is closing soon at UTC23:59 6th July. We encourage you to submit comments on the draft Review Committee Charter, with more details found at:

The CRISP Team would like thank the NRO for this opportunity to comment on the draft Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter, Public Draft v1.0.

The comment from the CRISP Team focuses on whether there are any inconsistencies with the number community proposal. In this light, we observe no inconsistencies with the numbers community proposal Section "III.A.4. Establishment of a Review Committee" with details described below.

[Section III.A.4. Establishment of a Review Committee (Description about the Role)]

The RIRs shall establish a Review Committee that will advise and assist the NRO EC in its periodic review. The Review Committee will, as needed, undertake a review of the level of service received from the IANA Numbering Services Operator and report to the NRO EC any concerns regarding the performance of the IANA Numbering Services Operator, including especially any observed failure or near-failure by the IANA Numbering Services Operator to meet its obligations under the proposed agreement.  Any such Review Committee will advise the NRO EC in its capacity solely to oversee the performance of the IANA Numbering Services, and the Review Committee's advice and comment will be limited to the processes followed in the IANA Numbering Services Operator's performance under the proposed agreement.

--> Reflected in "Functions/Objectives" Clauses 1-3 of Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter Public Draft v1.0.

As an additional observation, the number community proposal limits the scope of the Review Committee's advice related to the IANA Numbering Services.
Clause 1 of the charter describes "The    Review Committee's main function" which may give room for additional functions as needed.
We do not observe inconsistencies if additional functions will be related to advice around the performance of the IANA functions but it may be worth giving more clarity in the language.

[Section III.A.4. Establishment of a Review Committee: (Description about Transparency)]
Activities of the Review Committee shall be conducted in an open and transparent manner. Reports from the Review Committee shall be published.
--> Reflected in "Proceedings" Clauses 8 and 10, "Transparency" Clauses 11-13 of Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter Public Draft v1.0.

[Section III.A.4. Establishment of a Review Committee :( Description about Composition)]
The Review Committee should be a team composed of suitably qualified Internet Number Community representatives from each RIR region. The selection of the Review Committee members should be conducted in an open, transparent, and bottom-up manner appropriate for each RIR region. There should be equal representation from each RIR region within the Review Committee.

--> Reflected in "Composition" Clauses 4 and 5 of Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter Public Draft v1.0.

We believe this process of publishing the draft for community feedback ensures that the implementation of the proposal is consistent with the consensus of the number community, and appreciate that RIRs, jointly as the NRO, have published the draft to be open for comments.

With this draft charter of the Review Committee published, as well as the first draft of the SLA text which has closed its public comments on 14th June, the CRISP Team has confidence on the smooth preparation of implementation of the Number Community proposal in timely manner.


Izumi Okutani

On 2015/06/23 13:17, German Valdez wrote:
Dear Colleagues

Please refer to the below call for comments published today in the NRO website


German Valdez




Open until: 6 July 2015, 23:59 UTC

On 15 January, 2015, the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) Team submitted the Internet Number Community Proposal to the request for proposals issued by the IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG).

One of the key elements of the Internet Number Community Proposal, described in section III.A.4, is the establishment of a Review Committee to ensure that the service level defined in the proposed SLA for the IANA Numbering Services is maintained by the IANA Numbering Services Operator.  Further description of the Review of IANA Numbering services is described in Article 8 of the draft SLA.

All interested parties are now encouraged to review and comment on the draft Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter. The document is available at

This call for public comments will remain open until 6 July, 2015 at 23:59 UTC.  Comments can be submitted by any interested party to the mailing list. Subscription to this list is open and available at:
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