Hi Alain,
First of all a very happy 2014 !
best wishes for a great new year to you and all the coop-wg members :)
I hope you will get some useful feedback!
Goals of my draft are definitely ambitious; I hope it will be helpful to whoever wants to contribute writing a RIPE official document to support policy makers in content filtering decisions.
Let me start by referring to a document Ofcom produced a while back: http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/internet/site-blocking.pdf
Thanks for the link, I already considered that document and drew inspiration from it for some considerations; I also reported it in the "Further Reading" section of my work. Best regards, -- Pier Carlo Chiodi http://pierky.com/aboutme The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of any organization, entity or committee to which I may hold a position.