Dear Hank,

I’m replying on behalf of Marco, as he left the RIPE NCC in April to take up a position with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. 

The final text of the NIS 2 agreement has still not been made public, but we have seen the agreed text for the article, recital and annex pertaining to DNS and other service providers covered by the directive, and can confirm that root name servers have very explicitly been excluded from the directive’s scope.

This final text is the product of negotiations between the Council and Parliament, but it still needs to be formally approved by each body. We expect it will be submitted to the Council’s COREPER committee soon for final approval, while Parliament’s ITRE Committee is expected to approve it in July, with a plenary vote in Parliament in September. There’s no indication that the agreed upon text will change before final approval has taking place, but of course, it’s not 100% guaranteed until then.

Once all the formal approvals have taken place, member states will have 21 months to implement the directive into national law, so it will not come into effect until mid-2024. 

Please let us know if you have any other questions. 

Best regards,


Suzanne Taylor
Public Policy & Internet Governance

On 21 Jun 2022, at 09:11, Hank Nussbacher via cooperation-wg <> wrote:

On 10/12/2021 13:43, Marco Hogewoning wrote:

Marco and others,

I know this is old stuff but I have heard conflicting views on this so I'd like to clear it up.

You had stated "While the official text has not been published yet, we have seen a copy of the working document that shows that the Council position has also removed the DNS root servers from the scope of the directive,"

Have root servers been removed from NIS2?


On 3 Dec 2021, at 16:52, Marco Hogewoning <> wrote:

We will keep you informed about further progress on this dossier.

Dear colleagues,

Would like to draw your attention to the text, as it was adopted as the general approach by EU Council.

The full text of the Council compromise can be retrieved from the EU website via:




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