Another view: "Help: EU Net Neutrality Consultation Closes Today Published 08:15, 05 November 13 As you may recall, back in September the European Commission finally came out with its proposals for net neutrality, part of its larger "Connected Continent" package designed to complete the telecoms single market. I learned yesterday that the European committee responsible for this area,ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy), has launched something of a stealth consultation on these proposals. Stealth, because neither I nor anyone else that I know covering this area, was aware of them, which is pretty bizarre. Unfortunately, that consultation closes at the end of business today. That means we have very little time to comment, although speaking to the people running the consultation, I get the impression that they won't apply the deadline too strictly if you let them know that something will be coming through a little late. There is no formal document outlining the terms of the consultation - just bring up the points you think important. Submissions should be sent to and/or Here's what I've written: ...."