On 15 May 2019, at 16:39, Shane Kerr <shane@time-travellers.org> wrote:
There is precedent for the RIPE community taking a position on a topic. For example the RIPE DNS Working Group stated a strong option that the DNS root be signed, and a letter signed by the chair of RIPE, the managing director of the RIPE NCC, and the chair of the RIPE DNS working group was sent to ICANN
Shane, that was somewhat of a one-off. It may not be the precedent you’re looking for. There was strong (overwhelming?) consensus in the DNS WG and RIPE community to get the root signed. Preparing and sending that letter to ICANN was also a spontaneous, unprompted act. We didn’t respond to a consultation or a deadline. Which is where I think we are with this cookie thing.
I am not suggesting that the RIPE community *should* try to influence laws on browser cookies. But I think that if people want to that RIPE *could* be a place where it is done.
Indeed. I hope the RIPE community can quickly converge on a consensus opinion on cookies and submit this if/when there’s an appropriate consultation on the subject.