Dear colleagues, Please note that the IGF Secretariat has issued a call for thematic inputs for the 2022 IGF - this is a useful opportunity to help shape the agenda and programme of this year’s discussions at a high level (the call for specific workshop proposals will come later in the year). I also wanted to note that I have been appointed to the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Committee, and will be working this year to ensure that the RIPE community is kept up-to-date and engaged with IGF-related developments. I am joined by two other RIR colleagues (APNIC’s Joyce Chen and LACNIC’s Paula Oteguy), and members from a range of other stakeholder groups. That also includes the incoming MAG Chair, Microsoft’s Paul Mitchell, who is the first MAG Chair from the private sector stakeholder group. If there are any questions about the IGF or this process, I’m more than happy to discuss on this list! Best regards, Chris
Begin forwarded message:
From: IGF Secretariat <> Subject: [PNE] IGF 2022 Call for Thematic Inputs: Open Now Date: 14 January 2022 at 19:30:33 CET
Dear IGF Stakeholders,
We are pleased to inform that the IGF 2022 Call for Thematic Inputs is now published. Contributing to this process means contributing to a key first step in determining the thematic structure of the IGF programme in 2022 and the direction of its work.
We invite everyone to fill out the short inputs form and to share this widely through your networks: <>
The deadline is 14 February 2022.
Thanks for your participation.
Best regards, IGF Secretariat