There is a lot more to this draft than eIDs. It is worth slogging through it to get an idea of what the Commission thinks about this area in general. I guess nobody on this list actually runs e-mail services for third-parties - do they include mailing lists? There are some interesting things about portability there. Patrik, do I have your attention now? ;-) Anyway, and keeping it simple, there are various stages where one can try and make one’s wishes or concerns known in Brussels. The first stage is too often for those in the bubble. Lobbyists and the like. There are many lobbyists, very many lobbyists. And they work full-time. And of course they include ETNO and GSMA and so on. And you also have the “expert groups” and public consultations. It is still relatively rare though that a draft proposal is then leaked. Does this indicate that some folk are not happy? But this “leak” is very useful. You can now see much more clearly where the Commission is heading. Writing to your favourite Commissioner now might have an impact. It has to be very soon though. The machine is moving. Once the proposal has been adopted collectively then the Commission collectively has to defend it. After that it is a question of arguing - collectively? - through Parliament and Council? Writing now as an individual to the Commission, even on one particular point, obviously does not preclude joining in with any group response later to the Council or Parliament. Gordon