The CPDP crowd is changing. They don’t use the term multi-stakeholder. But I think the discussions are being improved by having a little more technical - and operational! - expertise in the room. And that has to be good thing. They are the folk who make the rules for the rest of us.So even a little engagement from RIPE folk could be useful. By the way I listened to a very good presentation by Laurence Blisson the other evening on mass surveillance. One of the best presentations I have heard on the topic. As somebody legally trained she made the point that she had found it very useful to talk to geeks. Apparently not easy at first. But very useful. And the result was a presentation I thought excellent! Anyway have a look at the ICANN session I pointed to - even just the intro - and see what you think. Gordon
On 1 Feb 2017, at 10:45, Johan Helsingius <julf@julf.com> wrote:
On 31-01-17 22:56, Gordon Lennox wrote:
Last week we had the annual three-day CPDP event in Brussels. CPDP is a fairly big stakeholder conference. The theme this year was 'The age of intelligent machines”.
Thanks, Gordon! Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend, so your links are really useful.
It would be good to see some RIPE people there next year. It would be even better if NCC could also get involved in some way. Organising a panel? Or sponsoring some nice coffee!
Good point - the concern might be that the RIPE stuff is too "technical" (or rather "operational") for the usual CPDP crowd.