Dear colleagues,

Our latest update on EU regulation trends and developments is now available on RIPE Labs:

There’s a lot going on in the EU with the potential to affect many different types of service providers, organisations and Internet layers, and we try to break down the most pertinent regulation being proposed and debated for the Internet community, along with a summary of the RIPE NCC’s contributions to related open consultations.

Please share with any colleagues who may be interested, and feel free to share your own thoughts, concerns or questions with us. 

Also, we hope to see many of you at today’s RIPE Cooperation Working Group session, taking place from 14:00-14:45 CET. My colleague, Maxim Burtikov, will give an overview of the current regulation space in Russia. If you haven’t yet registered, you can still do so: 

A few of us from the RIPE NCC will be available during the coffee break following the session in the Lobby Bar room on Spatialchat (the virtual coffee break area). Check your RIPE 81 registration email for details about how to join.

Best regards,


Suzanne Taylor