Valid point, Steve. I would suggest creating a WG on illegal content or including it explicitly in the AA WG.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nash, Steve []
Sent: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 10:51:45 +0000
Subject: [anti-abuse-wg] RIPE response to Terrorist use of the Internet -CleanIT
CleanIT ( ) seems to me to be a useful report asking governments to facilitate awareness and fund "referral units", and "Internet Companies" to provide reasonable end-user feedback mechanisms on suspected Terrorist Internet use.
- Terrorist use of the Internet is not a subject that fits into the remit of any one RIPE WG.
- One might consider such use to be Abuse, but the current charter of Anti Abuse excludes dealing with illegal content.
- This subject may also be considered to require specialist attention that not all members of any existing WG would wish to follow.
Do we need a new WG, or do we need a sub-WG list within an existing WG?
I do think it is important that RIPE responds to the report in some way, otherwise RIPE will be considered as disinterested, and not necessarily engaged in future dialogue.
Steve Nash
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Patrik Fältström
Sent: 31 January 2013 12:34
To: Brian Nisbet
Subject: Re: [cooperation-wg] CleanIT Update
I am sure many people on the coop wg is interested in this work, so thank you for copying the mailing list.
Patrik Fältström
Co-chair cooperation working group
On 31 jan 2013, at 12:55, Brian Nisbet <> wrote:
> Colleagues,
> (And cross posted to the Cooperation WG as it may be something interesting for them also.)
> You may be aware of the the CleanIT project
> This project has presented to the AA-WG at two RIPE meetings and Tobias and I said we would keep the working group up to date. The final document of the project was officially published yesterday in Brussels and handed over to the EU Counter Terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove. More information, including a download link for the document can be found here:
> It is unclear at present whether there will be any follow-up to the project, but various parties wish to investigate possibilities.
> If there are any further moves or projects to come out of this, we will let the AA-WG know.
> Brian