On 11 Jan 2023, at 2:45, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
we even have the RIPE chair working for the NCC
Although the RIPE Chair indeed receives remuneration from the RIPE NCC, this is under a contract which requires her to work not for the NCC but for the RIPE Community. My own situation is different in detail, but similar in that, although still on the university payroll in order to receive my pension, I no longer work for UCD. As many of you may remember, one of the recommendations of the RIPE 2020 NomCom was "to document community consensus about remuneration of the RIPE Chairs.” I have prepared a draft for discussion, and plan to invite this discussion on the RIPE List as soon as certain other drafts, ahead of this one in the queue, have been dealt with. I expect that we may reach consensus by or before RIPE86. I hope this clarification is indeed clear, and wish you all a very happy New Year. Niall O'Reilly RIPE Vice-Chair