In accordance with the Council Decision 562, the Secretary-General will convene a balanced, informal group of experts(IEG) - who are active in preparing for the Forum in their own country - to assist in the successive stages of the preparatory process.
At its session in 2012, the Council agreed that all relevant stakeholders should participate in the work of the IEG so as to contribute their unique perspective to the preparatory process, based on the roles and responsibilities that the stakeholders may have under Paragraph 35 of the Tunis Agenda (2005). Consequently, participation in the work of the IEG will be open to stakeholders in accordance with Council decision, taking into account Decision 562 and the need to maintain a balanced group of experts, and also room and seating capacity for IEG meetings at ITU headquarters in Geneva. Relevant stakeholders are invited to express their interest in participating in the work of the IEG by completing a request form.