The unit in DG INFSO responsible for "Cloud Computing" is INFSO-D3 "Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures". The Head of Unit is Rainer Zimmermann <>. His deputy is David Callahan <>. Regards, Gordon On 5 December 2011 14:28, Alessandro Vesely <> wrote:
Under "Digital Agenda" there is an entry in the forthcoming initiatives 2013 saying
Towards an EU Cloud Computing Strategy / Non-legislative
The Communication will address several aspects of the current regulatory framework, which was conceived considering less demanding applications. In particular, cloud computing is raising specific issues related to data protection and data retention, applicable law and liability, as well as consumer protection. The aspects of interoperability, standardisation and portability of data and applications will also be addressed.
(I guess that is the same initiative mentioned on [TNYT]).
Is it possible to get in touch with those who are designing that initiative? I have an idea which has been brewing largely in my mind for some years for a consent-exchange Internet protocol for email users. It is summarized in [FIXF]. I proposed it to the Cooperation WG earlier this year, in [MAY]. In short, it is a legally difficult solution to a problem that most operators consider not urgent --just like that cloud computing strategy quoted above. Since email addresses are often used as identities in cloud computing, I think this issue fits nicely within that agenda entry. Thus I wish to talk to the relevant people and possibly work with them, if at all possible.
Thank you for cooperating Alessandro