In message <>, at 08:09:54 on Wed, 24 Sep 2014, Andrew Dul <> writes
we could put together a global policy which would instruct IANA how to manage the records.
You are suggesting a replacement policy would place a duty on them, rather than simply allowing them to?
I suppose the policy document could be constructed either way. Ideally we would have the conversation about variables in the policy language at the time we are figuring out exactly what the Internet community wants to see in the IANA v4 registry.
The Internet community is not the only one which might have "wants". Unless we think that anyone who ever used the Internet is part of the community. A lot of people apparently see an invisible 'technical' in between 'Internet' and 'community', rather than for example an invisible 'user', who traditionally doesn't get much say in any of the discussions. -- Roland Perry