Is there anything new to report? -- Mr Michele Neylon Blacknight Solutions Hosting, Colocation & Domains / Intl. +353 (0) 59 9183072 Direct Dial: +353 (0)59 9183090 ------------------------------- Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd, Unit 12A,Barrowside Business Park,Sleaty Road,Graiguecullen,Carlow, R93 X265 ,Ireland Company No.: 370845 On 24/03/2020, 15:30, "cooperation-wg on behalf of Johan Helsingius" < on behalf of> wrote: Dear Cooperation WG members, I hope you are all managing to stay safe and healthy! As I am sure you have seen, RIPE80 will be a virtual meeting of some sort. The WG chairs are having a discussion about this on tomorrow (Wednesday 25 March) and Monday (30 March). So far our thinking is to just do a very quick RIPE NCC update for the Co-op WG, but not have the traditional full session. What are your views? Julf & Achilleas