Dear colleagues 

Bellow is a link to Innocenzo Genna’s analysis of BEREC’s High Level Input to the Commission’s White Paper we recently discussed at our online session on June 6th.

You may recall that he also spoke about this important topic regarding EU’s future digital infrastructure at our recent RIPE87 meeting in Rome.

If you have missed it, here’s the recording

RIPE Coop WG Co-chair

Begin forwarded message:
Date: 30 June 2024 at 20:15:27 CEST
Subject: BEREC questions Commission’s deregulatory agenda

Berec has published its High Level Input to the Commission’s White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”. The European consultation is ending today June 30, 2024 and, in the ambitions of the Commission, should provide endorsement for a radical regulatory reform in the sector. Berec’s comments were well-awaited, considering that in the previous consultation in 2023 (the one about the “fair share”) the very critical position of the European agency contributed substantially in convincing the Commission to (temporarily) abandon these plans.

While being diplomatic in the form, Berec’s document looks like a precise debunking position against main Commission’s envisaged plans in the area of telecom regulation. Berec calls for more discussion and analysis, rebutting most of the Commission’s proposals aimed at reversing the current European regulatory framework.

My first-hand analysis:  

Avv. Innocenzo Genna
European Digital Policy and Regulation
Bruxelles - Roma

Twitter X:   @InnoGenna