

It seems like these days we have more time to discuss.


We would like to have some input from the community about your approach regarding some IX resources.


Backup ports: commonly the ISP has an aditional router connected to the backup port, in a switch other than the one where the main port is connected, with an additional configuration (another pair of IPv4/v6 adresses).

Question: Do you permit balanced traffic between the main port and the backup port? Or the backup port is allowed to be use only when the main port is down?


Aggregated ports: The ISP has N x 1G or N x 10G ports connected to IXP platform, same switch, LACP config.

Question: Do you treat aggregated ports as „one” port? E.g. 2 x 1G ports are one 2G port? Or 2 x 10G ports are one 20G port?


Please share your experiences, keep safe and stay healthy.





Eric Andrei Băleanu

InterLAN Internet Exchange

8 Cezar Bolliac Street, Bucharest 030912, 3rd District

Phone: +40 31 710 2428

Mobile: +40 733 999 069

E-mail: eric.baleanu@interlan.ro




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