Hi Paul,


At AMS-IX infra, we already use the 5 + 4 DBs that are proposed in the document since last year with great success. Same result can be achieved at DECIX network as well as per recent analysis. I think Marco and Will use even less databases in their infrastructures.

Moreover, I had the chance last year to attend the BGP security course of RIPE NCC, where the colleagues over there teach exactly the same content as we have in the BCOP. Hence, this document not only depicts RIPE NCC’s position but also is accompanied with real life examples and analysis.


That said, isn’t this proposal a type of documentation of above activities?


Kind Regards



From: connect-wg <connect-wg-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Paul Hoogsteder <paul@meanie.nl>
Date: Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 10:28
To: Marco d'Itri <md@Linux.IT>
Cc: Connect-WG <connect-wg@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [connect-wg] BCOP for the use of IRR DBs in IXP RS - Last call

"The main interest of the task force is that current operational practice
are captured and documents are published." - it's in the BCOP description.
First implement, then we document it. Not the other way around.


> If we have totally misunderstood the process of publishing a RIPE BCOP
> then we can just move on with the plan and come back in a couple of
> years to publish the document (if anybody will still care to do the work
> when ~everybody in Europe will already have adopted it).

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