Dear all,
Please find below the draft agenda for RIPE 69. If you’re interested in providing input for the update session, please get in touch with us at connect-wg-chairs(a)
Kind regards,
Remco and Florence
Draft agenda for the Connect WG, RIPE69, November 5 11:00-12:30
0. Opening and welcome (1 min)
1. Appoint scribe, Agenda bashing (5 min)
2. Working Group Charter Discussion (15 min)
3. Cooperating with Cooperation WG (10 min)
4. Social Side of Internet Interconnection (15 min) - Uta Meier-Hahn
5. IP interconnection for Voice (15 min) - Adam Beaumont
6. CDN Best Practices (15 min) - Maurice Dean and Florence Lavroff
7. Euro-IX & IX-F (5 min) - Bijal Sanghani
8. The update session (5 min) - Mystery Guest
9. Open mic and feedback (4 min)
10. Closing and lunchtime
Remco van Mook
Director of Interconnection, EMEA & Global Product Manager Internet Exchanges
EQUINIX | 80 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EE, United Kingdom
E remco(a)<> | T +31 6 1135 6365
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Dear friends on the connect-bof mailing list,
for those of you who followed the proceedings during RIPE 68, it will come as no surprise that the Connect BOF session led to the adoption by the plenary of the new Connect Working Group. As such, we’re being given all the artefacts that come with a working group, such as presence on the RIPE website and, of course, a mailing list. In order to keep surprises to a minimum, we’ve decided to simply rename the connect BOF list to the Connect WG mailing list and keep all subscribers to the old list.
If you did have an interest in the Connect BOF but are for some reason not interested in joining the discussion within the Connect Working Group, this is the time to unsubscribe and we apologise for the inconvenience. You can find links to do so at the bottom of this email.
With that out of the way, here’s a reminder of the current charter of the Connect Working group:
The Working Group will:
•Facilitate discussions about interconnect for Internet purposes, covering Layer 1-8
•Raise awareness in the community about Interconnection and the role this plays for the Global Internet
•Educate policymakers/regulation in how the interconnects works
•Act as knowledge-base for interconnect related questions
The activities of the working group to achieve the goals are, without being exhaustive:
•Present and discuss topics related to IP interconnections at the RIPE Working Groups Meetings
•Discuss topics related to IP Interconnections on the working-group mailing list
•Monitor and take part in discussions in related working groups - like the cooperation wg and the routing wg
•Actively seek to take part in IP interconnection discussions taking place outside of the community
We’ve applied for a 90-minute slot at the next RIPE meeting in November in London, and we’ll be sending out a draft agenda for that session this week. If you would like to present, please send us an email at <connect-wg-chairs(a)<>>
To be very clear about the nature of the presentations we are looking for. We are explicitly NOT looking for any ‘up-and-to-the-right’ update presentations, product presentations or sales pitches. We do have some ideas how to integrate short updates into the schedule but we’re going to keep that a secret for now :)
Thank you all for being part of the Connect Working Group and we hope to see you in London!
Florence Lavroff and Remco van Mook
- Link to the video of the Plenary @ RIPE68:
- Link to the Connect BOF @ RIPE68:
- Link to the mailing list:
- Link to the working group page with description and charter:
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